I believe that bullying should be under being bad, as it is a very hurtful and children and adults get bullied at work places and schools. Which can affect the children's development in school and they can feel withdrawn from making friends with other children, and not getting involved with activities and socialising with other children. thankfully I have never experince being bullied, so i can not say i know what it is like, however I have seen it happen and it isnt very nice at all.
As i was researching i found this website which is about different types of bullying in schools and this can also happen in work places too.
I agree with Steph where she says bullying is extremely hurtful. This is true; it can affect a person mentally, physically, or even emotionally. I also agree with her when she says bullying can restrict a person socialising and participating, because I feel if someone is bullied they may feel excluded from their peers and might not want to get involved or even scared to become involved. I do however; feel this is in relation to adults as well. I think Steph makes very good points in her post and addresses the issue of bullying.