Last week was on lying with integrity, we was discussing weather it was possible to lie with integrity, which is it possible to lie with honesty? One of the points that was brought up was: Are men and women very different when it comes to lying? I think that men can't lie as good as women, I think that men aren't good at covering things up and women can sometimes work out when men are lying, but saying that men can lie good when it comes to somethings, such as if ther bf/gf asks them if there bum looks big in what they are wearing then they are more likely to say no, so that tehy dont hurt their feelings.
Many people lie for a reason, one of those reasons can be to protect the person feelings, if it is better to say a little white lie to cover the truth which saves the person feelings to, I think is ok, but I know that it is going to hurt the person feelings more when they find out later on when I have covered up the truth, then I would rather tell them the truth and hurt their feelings a little then hurt them more in the furture when they found out, for example Cheating, If I knew someone was cheating on my friend I would tell them, so that they could deal with it, also their feelings wouldnt be hurt more when they find out that I have lied to them to cover for the other person.
I think you can lie with honesty to protect the other person feelings only to a certain extent.